Friday, June 27, 2008

Looking out at the World

We were getting ready to go somewhere the other day and I looked out and saw all three of them sitting side by side on the porch. It was too cute to pass the opportunity for the pictures.

Then half of Sarah disappeared as she bent down for a leaf!

And no, I didn't do her hair that way intentionally. She just likes to pull out her piggy tails.


Di said...

Those are the best photos. We have so many of the kids walking away!

Unknown said...

So cute, definitely frameworthy. What kind of camera do you use? I think your new hobby is working out great!

Carrie said...

Thanks Di,
I enjoy having people I haven't met yet looking at my blog. Let's me know I'm really out there! And I've enjoyed reading yours, too.

Here's the latest from our family.