Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Our family is so incredibly blessed to be living in the great neighborhood we do. There are so many families with kids just the right ages to match up with ours, even Sarah. And now, she is getting old enough to actually enjoy spending time with another little girl who lives across the street.

A couple of weekends ago we got out the Bounce House (Bow How, as Sarah calls it) and invited the neighbors across the street to come bounce to their hearts' content...the little neighbors, not the big ones! Sarah had so much fun, and then she decided to drive. In Emma's jeep. So we were going round and round in a big circle and the two little girls were so was priceless to watch a two year old driving with her little friend!

Yesterday her friend's daddy said that it was cool watching them play together, and that they might just grow up to be best buds...I hope so!
Are you buckled up?

1 comment:

grandma said...

Wow, 2 years old and driving aleady. They look like they were having a great time. The pony ride looked like the best one ever! Love all of you!


Here's the latest from our family.